Mcdvoice Objective

The McDVoice survey available at has several other very important purposes for the Mcdonald’s, as well for its customers:

Customer Feedback Data

Purpose: McDVoice’s primary function is to obtain useful information from the customers regarding the services and restaurant operations of McDonald’s. It includes aspects such as the macdonald’s food served, the service, hygiene as well as general satisfaction.

Benefit: McDonald’s uses this feedback to make changes in order to satisfy customers’ needs.

Customer Satisfaction

Purpose: McD’s implements the customer’s survey to make the customer experience better. This includes changing some of the offers on the menu, changing some of the procedures of service delivery, or even cleanliness considerations.

Benefit: Because of a positive experience, customer satisfaction and loyalty increase which tend to work positively towards the brand’s equity.

Customers Intrusion

Purpose: For one to fill out a withering thank you page, McDonald’s will reward the customer with free items or a percentage discount of the total value of the received service.

Benefit: This not only enhances feedback but also guarantees retails for the customers since they have a motivation to come back.

Evaluate Employee Performance

Purpose: The survey acts as an evaluation technique and a training needs assessment for the employees of McDonald’s. It is especially critical to obtain opinions about the staff behavior and the quality of service.

Benefit: Enhanced employee productivity can enhance customer relations and overall satisfaction when eating out.

Identify Trends and Issues

Purpose: As the survey results are over a period of time in a particular location, McDonald’s is able to indeed analyze different and repetitive topics for the satisfaction of their clientele.

Benefit: Making such observations and addressing may be of help in coming with an operational strategy, e.g. changes in menu or introduction new serving strategies.

Strengthen Brand Loyalty

Purpose: Surveys help to build the trust of the customers within the brand, McDonald’s uses the customers within the survey and then uses their feedback wisely.

Benefit: With gain loyal customers, they will be coming back and will tell other people about McDonald which will aid the growth of the brand.

Drive Continuous Improvement

Purpose: The survey is within the expenses of the company aimed at continuous improvement towards the quality of services offered. Data collected are used to optimize and inspire the processes in the organization.

Benefit: Consistent enhancement makes sure McDonald’s continues being a key player in the fast food market.

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